Promotional Activities:

The Promotional Activities are conducted in order to promote the credible NGOs by enabling them to work for the poorest of the poor by planning and implementing the realistic project interventions based on the principles of transparency and accountability to the people as well as to the government. The major activities carried out under this sector are-

  • To promote the partner NGOs to undertake integrated and sustainable projects for the development of the persons and communities of the disadvantaged and weaker sections of the society so that they may individually and collectively reach the fullness of life and growth with the human dignity
  • To enable the partner NGOs to work for the poor and downtrodden to attain the self-sufficiency through conscientization, motivation, education, organization and participation.
  • To have linkage with the government departments by the poor thus they claim the government provisions meant for them. Andheri Trust stress to its partner NGOs to facilitate their project beneficiaries in this line.
  • To promote NGOs which support all types of activities which are focused on children from the weaker sections such as the street children, child laborers, physically challenged children etc.
  • To orient, motivate and guide the partner NGOs to revisit and reconfirm with the purpose of promoting their organization and committing to that.
  • To promote in the partner NGOs the basic financial and accounting systems in place and operational.
  • To promote in the partner NGOs the internal control, transparency and accountability as the integral part of their whole operational system
  • To promote the partner NGOs to comply with all the legal requirements which are necessary for their existence, functioning and visibility

Programme Activities:

The programme activities are carried out in order to enable the partner NGOs to implement the projects effectively which are financially supported by Andheri Hilfe by facilitating and training the NGO staff and in some cases even the project beneficiaries. The major activities carried out under this sector are-

  • To provide expertise to the partner NGOs to enable them to implement the participatory, integrated and sustained developmentalprogrammes
  • To organize ways and means by the partner NGOs by which they take up the cause of the poor women which enable them to establish the gender sensitization and gender equality in the families and communities of the weaker sections
  • To organize ways and means by the partner NGOs to conscientize, motivate people to protect their health by availing government health facilities & services, availing safe drinking water, toilets construction thus free from open defecation which provides clean and hygienic surrounding, free from soil and water contamination, soil, biomass & water conservation through the watershed measures and undertaking ecological farming etc.
  • To organize ways & means by the partner NGOs which are capable and efficient to address the disaster and distress situations when arise to the people due to the natural calamities
  • To enable the partner NGOs to implement the projects by aiming to bring the realistic changes/results in the living condition of the poor and downtrodden
  • To train the partner NGOs project staff to understand the projects they work for and facilitate their implementation with the clarity and purpose
  • To train the partner NGOs and their staff to monitor and evaluate the projects they work for and prepare the progress reports
  • To train the concernedstaff of the partner NGOs to prepare the progress reports and the project accounts and book-Keeping as per the requirements of AH & AT and send these documents to them in time, as specified


Facilitating the partner organisations by visiting their projects:

Visiting the projects of the partner organisations and facilitating them for their effective project implementation is the primary role of the RegionalProgramCoordinators of Andheri Trust. During the visit they get opportunity to directly interact with the project beneficiaries, with the project staff, with partner organisation management and very importantly with the partner.Certainly, it is a good opportunity to clarify the things face to facewhich otherwise cannot be clarified and settled through the writtencommunication or through the telephonic discussion.

Facilitating the partners through written communication:

The written communication is another way of facilitating the partners for their project implementation. The Regional Program Coordinators do the written communication with the partners mainly by giving the feedback on their project progress reports and accounts statements sent. The project partners send the half yearly, yearly, the consolidation and the completionreport of their projects and alsothe half yearly unaudited and yearly audited accounts statements which will be thoroughly assessed as per our assessment tools and the written feedback will be shared with them and they will be requested to clarify the aspects which were not clear.

Facilitating the partners by sending the project assessment feedback:

Andheri Hilfe and Andheri Trust receives the project proposals from the NGOs and also from our existing partner organizations who send the continuation project proposals for their existing projects in order to continue them and sometimes thy send the new project proposals also. These continuation as well as the new project proposalswill be thoroughly assessed by the Regional ProgramCoordinators by using the assessment tools and they will be facilitated by sharing these assessments on their project proposals.

Project proposals, concept notes, requests received from the NGOs:

Many NGOs, apart fromour partner NGOs seek the funding support by sending the project proposals, project concept notes and the requests letters. If these were received from the non-core region then the Regional Program Coordinators will not assess them deeply rather send them the rejection letters as we have a policy decision for not to consider any applications from the non-core region.From the core region if any project proposal received found the prospective one then such project proposal will be taken up for further processing. Again, the project proposals will be assessed based on the assessmenttools and written feedback will be given to the project applicants.


For the facilitation and monitoring of the projects of its partner NGOs, Andheri Trust has divided its vast operational area in to 4 regions namely south, north, east and west. Each region has a Regional Field Office and a Regional Program Coordinator.The Regional Program Coordinators are well aware of their regional specific issues and the possible interventions could be taken up which helps them to facilitate the partner NGOs to plan with need based and the realistic project proposals.

However, nothing will be imposed on them rather they will be facilitated and encouraged to come up with their own project plans to work with the poor which need to be planned together with the primary project stakeholders based on their needs and ensuring their total involvement in implementation to sustain them by their own in the future. All this needs lots of facilitation from the Regional Program Coordinators which will be done by visiting the partner NGOs, through the written communication and by discussing through phone and online.


Each partner NGO has its own vision and mission for their organization. From their vision and mission, they derive their interest and inspiration to work with a category of people who are socially disadvantaged and based on this they adopt their working strategy and approach. Therefore, we facilitate the different types of projects of our partner NGOs.

All these projects implemented by our partner NGOs have been grouped in to 7 broader categories namely, Rural & Community Development, Slums Development, Human Resource Development, Natural Resource Management, Basic Education and Vocational Training, Health and Reconstruction Aid.


Thus, Andheri Trust function as a facilitation, monitoring and the training organization to the partner NGOs financially supported for their development projects by Andheri Hilfe Germany. It continuously accompanies them and provide the handholding support in order to they become the credible and transparent NGOs and they implement their projects effectively, sustainably and qualitatively which brings the drastic and visible changes in the living condition of the poor and marginalized.